Salesforce Training

Welcome to our Salesforce Training Service, where we empower individuals and businesses to become proficient in Salesforce and enhance their productivity and efficiency.
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Salesforce is the world’s leading customer relationship management (CRM) software, and learning how to use it to its fullest potential is essential to staying ahead in today’s competitive market. Our comprehensive training program covers all aspects of Salesforce, from beginner to advanced levels, and is designed to help you maximise your investment in this powerful tool.

User adoption is critical to the success of any Salesforce platform. Here at M4B we will work with you to deliver your training requirements. Whether you require on-site training, custom training materials and or a comprehensive training curriculum, we can help.

Our Salesforce Training Service is taught by certified Salesforce experts who have years of industry experience, and our curriculum is regularly updated to reflect the latest Salesforce features and best practices. We offer both in-person and online training options, so you can learn in a way that suits your schedule and preferences.

What does our Salesforce training involve:

  • The delivery of training to suit your requirements. We provide interactive training sessions, hands-on exercises, and practical use cases to ensure that you acquire the skills needed to drive success in your organisation.
  • Training of an internal ‘Power user’ to ensure skills are also available in-house with M4B providing further support if required. 
  • Making your training assets easily accessible within your Salesforce platform (PDF Guides and Video Walkthroughs).

Benefits of Salesforce training:

  1. Increased user adoption.
  2. Increased productivity.
  3. Training assets will be easily accessible.
  4. Improve customer service.

Why use M4B for Salesforce Training?

  • We have trained 100’s of users all over the UK and helped numerous organisations successfully achieve high user adoption rates through our training methods.
  • We offer a variety of courses on specific areas relating to Salesforce (i.e. Reports & Dashboards, apps and much more).

At the end of your training program, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge and skills to create custom reports, manage leads, automate workflows, and much more. You’ll also receive a certificate of completion to validate your proficiency in Salesforce.