How to create engaging social media content

A company’s social media content is a key asset, with 48% of customers checking a company’s social media page before buying and 60% of customers interacting with brands they shop with on social media. 

Therefore, posting the right content at the right time could help to boost your sales or leads. 

Here are 5 things to consider to ensure you are creating engaging social media content.

1. Don’t over sell

This may seem contradictory if you are using your social media page to sell products or services, but constantly pushing your products at customers may deter them.

Of course, use your posts to promote new products, best sellers or discounts but be mindful not to overdo it!

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2. Keep up to date with community news

So, if we aren’t solely posting products or services, what can we post? Being engaged with your customer’s world is a sure-fire way to stay relevant.

Posting reactive content in relation to what’s going on in the world is a great option when interlacing it with product posts. For example, if you were a gaming computer company, see what new games are out, or research what games everyone’s talking about.

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3. Mix it up

Don’t be afraid to try new things. The joy of organic social media is that there are so many varieties of post designs, content, platforms, media types… the list is endless!

Try launching on a new social media platform, and tailoring your content slightly to each platform. You could also try new image designs, copy or videos to keep your timeline fresh.

4. Create a conversation

Creating a two-way conversation with your customers is key. You can accomplish this by posting reactive content as mentioned above, but also replying directly to your customers’ comments and messages.

If someone comments on your posts or messages you directly, make sure to reply back in a timely manner to build a positive brand image. Posting content which encourages your followers to engage is another great way to create a conversation. For example, adding a sentence at the end of your post such as ‘what do you think’ or ‘tell us your favourite below’ are good ways to prompt followers.

5. Have a strong strategy

You need to ensure you have a strong social media strategy. Posting as and when you can is not always the most effective way to use social media.

Having a set plan of when you post and what you post is crucial to continuity.

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Need help creating engaging social media content?

If you don’t have time to post regularly on your company’s social media account, or need help creating and sticking to a social media strategy, get in touch.

Our consultants have years of experience in social media and can help you grow your company’s social media pages.

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