Snapchat sponsored geo-filters for advertising

With more than a 150 million daily active users worldwide and 10 billion videos watched each day can you really ignore Snapchat as a marketing channel?

The platforms primary demographic is still dominated by the younger market with 63% of all Snapchat users being under 34. Assuming your target market aligns with this, Snapchat can be a really good way to engage with a captive audience and get your brand message across.

Types of Snapchat Advertising

Snapchat are rolling out different ways to advertise across their platform quite regularly at the moment but in my experience the most accessible way to do this for small to medium sizes businesses in the UK at the moment is via sponsored geo-filters.

What is a Snapchat sponsored Geo-filter?

A geo-filter is an image overlay that appears over a user’s snapchat picture. This can be a brand message or some form of promotion.

A geo-filter is geo-fenced to an area you specify. This means they will only appear where you want them to. This makes them perfect for putting on event locations where you can expect people to be taking photos of each other e.g. festivals.

How much does a sponsored snapchat geo-filter advertisement cost?

You pay per the size of area you want to cover and the amount of time you want the geo-filter to appear for. To give you an idea of cost; for a 280 square foot area for 2 ½ days I recently paid just over $400 USD.

Is it worth it?  

Consider that for every snapchat sent with your geo-filter on you are also connecting with all the people who are receiving the snapchat and viewing it. Although these people may not be within your geo-fenced area it still gives you the opportunity to reach out to an audience who are hopefully within your target market (as they are fiends of the sender) and get your message across.

Things to consider when thinking of running a sponsored snapchat geo-filter

Make people aware it is available by sharing people’s snapchats on your other social platforms. Publicise you are running this for them to take advantage of it at this location. Build a buzz around it.