Why integrate YouTube into your performance strategy?

Firstly, let’s look at what YouTube for Action is and some of its features. YouTube for Action is a set of YouTube services and features. It reaches customers in the lower segment of the marketing funnel: Awareness, Consideration, Action. It includes new and improved features like audiences, ad formats, smart bidding, plus measurement improvements.

Improved and new audiences

These audiences tap into the power of customer intent and interest signals. There have been significant improvements made to create stronger affinity and in-market segments that are more accurate. With additional categories added with 15% more people.

Life events audience is a new audience defined as a ‘high intent’ audience, where consumers are going through some major milestones, for example getting married or graduating from university. Be very targeted with your approach when sharing your business with these audiences.

Custom intent audiences, also a new audience, works best with TrueView for Action ads. Reaching a YouTube audience who have recently searched for certain keywords on Google. Custom intent combines the precision of search with the power of video. You can reach customers who have searched for your product/service but haven’t been on your site. This audience has a 30% greater conversion rate, compared to other audiences.

Conversion Rate for Custom Intent Audiences
+ 0 %

New ad formats

New ad formats give you the opportunity to create video ads that explain and show off your business, giving viewers a reason and a way to take action on your ads.

TrueView for Action ads, are similar to TruView In-stream ads. There are two possible ad formats, Call to Action ad or Form ad. Call to action ads are personalisable, allowing viewers to take action immediately in YouTube. Form ads allow you to generate leads right from your video ads. Viewers can fill out your form straight from YouTube, auto-filled when logged in. Videos are skippable after 5 seconds.

Measurement improvements

Finally, conversion measurement has been improved. Cross-device tracking has been updated so you can see where viewers are coming from (YouTube app vs YouTube web page). Plus, you can now compare direct and indirect attributions.

  • Direct where customer converts within 30 days of clicking video.
  • Indirect where the viewer watches 10 seconds of video and converts directly on the website within 3 days.

Smart bidding

Drive action or conversions by measuring and optimising with smart bidding. This automatically optimises your bids to help drive conversions. Only available using TrueView for Action YouTube campaigns.

  • Target CPA, designed for ongoing campaigns.
  • Maximise conversions, designed for promotions or burst campaigns.

Use TrueView In-stream YouTube campaigns to increase brand awareness or consideration.

Benefits of using YouTube to drive action

Engaged and attentive audiences: People use YouTube with the intent to consume and stream content.

You are two times more likely to pay attention to ads on YouTube vs social media due to its personalisation features. And, you are three times more likely to pay attention to online video ads vs TV, because users are active consumers. 

of YouTube ads are viewable
0 %
of YouTube ads are watched with the sound on
0 %

Action-oriented ads: Allowing people to take action straight from YouTube.

Globally, conversions generated by YouTube ads were up by 150% year on year. Plus, over 40% of global shoppers say they have purchased products discovered on YouTube.

Increase in YouTube ad conversions
0 %
of shoppers purchased products found on YouTube
0 %

Amplify Search ads: YouTube video ads and search ads can now work together to generate better overall search activities.

Higher Search Conversion Vol.
+ 0 %
Higher Search Conversion Rate
+ 0 %
Lower Search Cost Per Action
- 0 %

Reach audiences on YouTube who have just searched on Google for what you offer. Using a video ad that explains and shows off your business and gives viewers a way to take action. On a platform where viewers are intentionally taking in content and paying attention.