Pardot B2B Marketing Automation

Pardot B2B marketing automation by Salesforce helps marketers create more leads, generate more pipeline, and empower sales to close more deals.
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Pardot B2B Marketing Automation Services

In a fast-paced digital world, customers expect to have tailored marketing communications that suit their needs and their status in the buying journey. In order for delivery to remain efficient, your business needs to remain smart. That’s where marketing automation with Pardot can help.

Pardot B2B Marketing Automation

What is Pardot B2B Marketing Automation?

Pardot is a B2B marketing automation system developed by Salesforce, the creator of the world’s leading customer relationship management software. Pardot provides you with the tools to automate your marketing messages and actions meaning you can efficiently communicate with your customers every step of their way with you.

Pardot also has the ability to create dynamic customer journeys. These can nurture a lead from its infancy in a responsive way to ensure it reaches maturity to be handled properly by your sales team.

Pardot Engagement Program Training

How Can Pardot B2B Marketing Automation Help Me?

With Pardot’s extensive tools at your disposal, your business can take advantage of many powerful insights to increase sales revenue by as much as 34% and improve the effectiveness of your marketing by 37% on average. Using workflows and triggers to automate repetitive marketing tasks means you can spend more time focusing on nurturing leads and driving sales.

Pardot’s marketing automation features can enable your business through:

– Lead and prospect tracking
– Measuring conversions and customer engagement
– Generating higher-quality leads
– Optimising customer journeys by highlighting drop off points
– Monitoring and improving campaign performance to repeat successes

Utilise powerful automations and market to your customers directly with automation rules and page actions, allowing for the streamlining of time-consuming marketing tasks.

Get Started With Pardot Marketing Automation

Grow your business with better customer understanding and communications today with M4B and Pardot’s marketing automation. Partnering with our Pardot specialists means your business gains access to a host of powerful design and support services. We can help integrate Pardot with your existing digital marketing software, offer training to ensure staff feel confident in their abilities, and provide ongoing support for whenever you need us.

To discover more about M4B’s Pardot Marketing Automation, explore our service pages below or contact one of our staff members today for more information.

Pardot Implementation

Pardot Help and Support

Pardot Training Workshops​

Get In Touch

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